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n the face of constant arguments and disputes, the wife will often maintain her silence and keep her distance from her husband. That is to say, even if there is a need for communication, the wife will choose not to receive it, as if she had died away inside. She will not take the initiative to initiate a conversation or explore emotional contacts, as if their relationship had been completely severed.

In addition, the wife often shows an unexpressed indifference to the emotional exchanges between the husband and wife. She will not pay attention to the words of the husband, and even deliberately ignore them, as if she did not care at all. Occasionally, the words of the husband are not taken seriously, or even fall into a state of blindness, as if running away from the hard truth.


This kind of emotional paralyzing and emotional coldness also makes the husband unclear about his wife's thoughts and feelings, and does not know how to reconcile the estranged relationship. On the contrary, the wife's emotional switch often changes with the wind, and sometimes the distance between people will be restored in an instant, as if nothing had happened before.

The wife's words and deeds, full of disappointment and despair, will always remind the husband silently of how difficult their relationship is. The wife's emotional clams make the husband more and more helpless and anxiously encounter the walls that face each other.



So, when a wife is dead hearted to her husband, it is not only the husban, but also the marriage, that is dying away. Every quarrel and deadlock will be a great psychological test for both husband and wife. The wife must have a profound introspective understanding of her own heart, and have a deeper understanding of the relationship between husband and wife, in order to reset the relationship between husband and wife.


Therefore, it requires us to use the most sincere and sincere heart to love and be loved, allowing the husband and wife to step out of the prison of emotions, and return to the warm embrace of each other. We should also remember that the regular management of emotions and the recovery of intimacy are the only way to maintain a lasting marriage.


本文最后更新于2023-3-6,已超过 3个月没有更新,如果文章内容或图片资源失效,请留言反馈,我们会及时处理,谢谢!





